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This report places the unfiltered viewpoints of thirty-two experts representing various alt protein stakeholder groups into direct conversation to identify challenges limiting alt proteins’ alignment with the goals of inclusive food systems transformation and to illuminate opportunities for enhancing common-good benefits and building greater allyship.
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Informational Resources
Zane Swanson, Caitlin Welsh, and Joseph Majkut, Mitigating Risk and Capturing Opportunity: The Future of Alternative Proteins (Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies, May 2023),
“Declaration of Nyéléni” (Nyéléni, Séligué, Mali: Nyélé, February 27, 2007),
Tom Brennan, Anders Milde Gjendemsjø, and Casey Silver, “The next Wave: Alternative Seafood Solutions,”, September 18, 2023,
Gautam Godhwani, “The Hype Cycle of Alternative Proteins,” Good Signal (Substack), August 12, 2022,
Anahad O’Connor, “Fake Meat vs. Real Meat,” New York Times, December 3, 2019,
Lab Meat Won’t End Factory Farms — but Could Entrench Them,” Food & Water Watch, May 2022,
Ryan Nebeker and Jerusha Klemperer, The FoodPrint of Fake Meat (New York: GRACE Communications Foundation, 2021), https://foodprint. org/wp content/uploads/2021/11/2021_11_23_FP_TheFoodPrintofFakeMeat_Report_FINALnew-1.pdf
Marco Springmann et al., “Analysis and Valuation of the Health and Climate Change Cobenefits of Dietary Change,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, no. 15 (April 12, 2016): 4146–51,
Reyes Tirado, Kirsten F. Thompson, Kathryn A. Miller, and Paul Johnston, Less Is More: Reducing Meat and Dairy for a Healthier Life and Planet—Scientific Background on the Greenpeace Vision of the Meat and Dairy System towards 2050 (Amsterdam: Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Report [Review], March 2018),
Raychel E. Santo et al., “Considering Plant-Based Meat Substitutes and Cell-Based Meats: A Public Health and Food Systems Perspective,” Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 4 (2020),
Luca Ferrari et al., “Animal- and Plant-Based Protein Sources: A Scoping Review of Human Health Outcomes and Environmental Impact,” Nutrients 14, no. 23 (January 2022): 5115,
Verena Seufert and Navin Ramankutty, “Many Shades of Gray—The Context-Dependent Performance of Organic Agriculture,” Science Advances 3, no. 3 (March 10, 2017): e1602638,
Rachel Bezner Kerr et al., “Human and Social Values in Agroecology: A Review,” Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 10, no. 1 (June 14, 2022): 00090,
Joseph Poore and Thomas Nemecek, “Reducing Food’s Environmental Impacts through Producers and Consumers,” Science 360, no. 6392 (2018): 987–92,
Andreas Detzel et al., “Life Cycle Assessment of Animal-Based Foods and Plant-Based Protein-Rich Alternatives: An Environmental Perspective,” Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 102, no. 12 (2022): 5098–5110,
Michael A. Clark et al., “Multiple Health and Environmental Impacts of Foods,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116, no. 46 (November 12, 2019): 23357–62,
Sophie Kelmenson, “Between the Farm and the Fork: Job Quality in Sustainable Food Systems,” Agriculture and Human Values 40, (October 21, 2022): 317–58,
Peter Newton and Daniel Blaustein-Rejto, “Social and Economic Opportunities and Challenges of Plant-Based and Cultured Meat for Rural Producers in the US,” Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5 (January 28, 2021), fsufs.2021.624270
Tony Seba and Catherine Tubb, “Disrupting the Cow,” Boston Globe, November 29, 2019, opinion/disrupting-cow
Garrett M. Broad, “Plant-Based and Cell-Based Animal Product Alternatives: An Assessment and Agenda for Food Tech Justice,” Geoforum 107 (December 2019): 223–26,
Jan Dutkiewicz, “Curb Your Food Tech Enthusiasm,” Wired, March 28, 2023,
Garrett M. Broad, “Making Meat, Better: The Metaphors of Plant-Based and Cell-Based Meat Innovation,” Environmental Communication 14, no. 7 (October 2, 2020): 919–32,
Philip Howard, The Politics of Protein: Examining Claims about Livestock, Fish, ‘Alternative Proteins’ and Sustainability (Brussels: IPES Food, April 2022),
Philip H. Howard, “Op-Ed: Fake Meat Won’t Solve the Climate Crisis,” Civil Eats, April 7, 2022,
Allen Wagner, “The Venture Capital Lifecycle,” PitchBook, May 14, 2014,
Bob Zider, “How Venture Capital Works,” Harvard Business Review, November 1, 1998,
Will Gornall and Ilya A. Strebulaev, “The Economic Impact of Venture Capital: Evidence from Public Companies,” SSRN Electronic Journal, 2015,
Jared Piazza et al., “Rationalizing Meat Consumption. The 4Ns,” Appetite 91 (August 1, 2015): 114–28, appet.2015.04.011.
Steven Molino, “Impact Measurement in Alternative Proteins,” Medium (blog), September 9, 2021, clearcurrentcapital/impact-measurement-in-alternative-proteins-192ebbb5e96b.
Consuelo Varela-Ortega et al., “Life Cycle Assessment of Animal-Based Foods and Plant-Based Protein-Rich Alternatives: A Socio-economic Perspective,” Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 102, no. 12 (September 2022): 5111–20,
FAIRR, “Alternative Proteins Framework: Supporting Companies and Investors on ESG Disclosure,” 2023, alternative-proteins-framework
Priera Panescu et al., 2022 Plant-Based State of the Industry Report: Plant-Based Meat, Seafood, Eggs, and Dairy (Washington, DC: Good Food Institute, 2023),
Xiaoming Xu et al., “Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Animal-Based Foods Are Twice Those of Plant-Based Foods,” Nature Food 2, no. 9 (September 2021): 724–32,
Sergiy Smetana et al., “Meat Alternatives: Life Cycle Assessment of Most Known Meat Substitutes,” International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 20 (2015): 1254–67,
Natalie R. Rubio, Ning Xiang, and David L. Kaplan, “Plant-Based and Cell-Based Approaches to Meat Production,” Nature Communications 11, no. 1 (December 8, 2020): 6276,
Christopher J. Bryant, “Plant-Based Animal Product Alternatives Are Healthier and More Environmentally Sustainable Than Animal Products,” Future Foods 6 (December 1, 2022): 100174,
Eric Johnson, “Recode Decode at TED: Good Food Institute Founder Bruce Friedrich Explains Why Finding Alternatives to Meat Is So Important,” Vox, April 29, 2019,
Ernst & Young LLP, “Global Market Forecast and Competitiveness Study for Canadian Plant-Based Proteins: Summary of Findings” (Protein Industries Canada, September 12, 2023),
Jacob R. Peacock, Price-, Taste-, and Convenience-Competitive Plant-Based Meat Would Not Currently Replace Meat (San Francisco: Rethink Priorities, 2023),
Sophia Murphy, “Op-Ed: We Don’t Need a ‘Moonshot’ for Faux Burgers—We Need To Hold ‘Big Meat’ Accountable,” Civil Eats, May 5, 2021,
Zach Wulderk and Jo Anderson, “Domination And Exploitation: Understanding Industry Costs For Chicken, Egg, And Fish Products In The United States, Brazil, And China,” September 2023,
Brian Deese, Sameera Fazili, and Bharat Ramamurti, “Addressing Concentration in the Meat-Processing Industry to Lower Food Prices for American Families,” White House Briefing Room, September 8, 2021, addressing-concentration-in-the-meat-processing-industry-to-lower-food-prices-for-american-families.
Philip H. Howard et al., “‘Protein’ Industry Convergence and Its Implications for Resilient and Equitable Food Systems,” Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5 (August 16, 2021),
IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Red Meat and Processed Meat, IARC Monographs no. 114 (Lyon: International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2018),
Polly Walker et al., “Public Health Implications of Meat Production and Consumption,” Public Health Nutrition 8, no. 4 (June 2005): 348–56,
Romain Espinosa, Damian Tago, and Nicolas Treich, “Infectious Diseases and Meat Production,” Environmental and Resource Economics 76, no. 4 (August 1, 2020): 1019–44,
Jenny Splitter, “Out of the Jungle: Labor in the Age of Plant-Based Meat,” Breakthrough Institute Journal 17 (July 26, 2022), https://
Mariana Mazzucato, “The Entrepreneurial State,” Soundings 49, no. 49 (November 24, 2011): 131–42, https://doi. org/10.3898/136266211798411183
Mariana Mazzucato, “The Inclusive Entrepreneurial State: Collective Wealth Creation and Distribution,” Institute for Fiscal Studies IFS Deaton Review of Inequalities (March 2022): 1–19.
“Integrated Capital: RSF’s Unique Approach & Toolkit,” RSF Social Finance, 2023, integrated-capital
Don Shaffer, “Integrated Capital for Social Enterprises,” Stanford Social Innovation Review, July 17, 2014, integrated_capital_for_social_enterprises
Simona Vallone and Eric F. Lambin, “Public Policies and Vested Interests Preserve the Animal Farming Status Quo at the Expense of Animal Product Analogs,” One Earth 6, no. 9 (September 15, 2023): 1213–26,
- Informational Resources
Zane Swanson, Caitlin Welsh, and Joseph Majkut, Mitigating Risk and Capturing Opportunity: The Future of Alternative Proteins (Washington, DC: Center for Strategic and International Studies, May 2023),
“Declaration of Nyéléni” (Nyéléni, Séligué, Mali: Nyélé, February 27, 2007),
Tom Brennan, Anders Milde Gjendemsjø, and Casey Silver, “The next Wave: Alternative Seafood Solutions,”, September 18, 2023,
Gautam Godhwani, “The Hype Cycle of Alternative Proteins,” Good Signal (Substack), August 12, 2022,
Anahad O’Connor, “Fake Meat vs. Real Meat,” New York Times, December 3, 2019,
Lab Meat Won’t End Factory Farms — but Could Entrench Them,” Food & Water Watch, May 2022,
Ryan Nebeker and Jerusha Klemperer, The FoodPrint of Fake Meat (New York: GRACE Communications Foundation, 2021), https://foodprint. org/wp content/uploads/2021/11/2021_11_23_FP_TheFoodPrintofFakeMeat_Report_FINALnew-1.pdf
Marco Springmann et al., “Analysis and Valuation of the Health and Climate Change Cobenefits of Dietary Change,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, no. 15 (April 12, 2016): 4146–51,
Reyes Tirado, Kirsten F. Thompson, Kathryn A. Miller, and Paul Johnston, Less Is More: Reducing Meat and Dairy for a Healthier Life and Planet—Scientific Background on the Greenpeace Vision of the Meat and Dairy System towards 2050 (Amsterdam: Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Report [Review], March 2018),
Raychel E. Santo et al., “Considering Plant-Based Meat Substitutes and Cell-Based Meats: A Public Health and Food Systems Perspective,” Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 4 (2020),
Luca Ferrari et al., “Animal- and Plant-Based Protein Sources: A Scoping Review of Human Health Outcomes and Environmental Impact,” Nutrients 14, no. 23 (January 2022): 5115,
Verena Seufert and Navin Ramankutty, “Many Shades of Gray—The Context-Dependent Performance of Organic Agriculture,” Science Advances 3, no. 3 (March 10, 2017): e1602638,
Rachel Bezner Kerr et al., “Human and Social Values in Agroecology: A Review,” Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 10, no. 1 (June 14, 2022): 00090,
Joseph Poore and Thomas Nemecek, “Reducing Food’s Environmental Impacts through Producers and Consumers,” Science 360, no. 6392 (2018): 987–92,
Andreas Detzel et al., “Life Cycle Assessment of Animal-Based Foods and Plant-Based Protein-Rich Alternatives: An Environmental Perspective,” Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 102, no. 12 (2022): 5098–5110,
Michael A. Clark et al., “Multiple Health and Environmental Impacts of Foods,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116, no. 46 (November 12, 2019): 23357–62,
Sophie Kelmenson, “Between the Farm and the Fork: Job Quality in Sustainable Food Systems,” Agriculture and Human Values 40, (October 21, 2022): 317–58,
Peter Newton and Daniel Blaustein-Rejto, “Social and Economic Opportunities and Challenges of Plant-Based and Cultured Meat for Rural Producers in the US,” Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5 (January 28, 2021), fsufs.2021.624270
Tony Seba and Catherine Tubb, “Disrupting the Cow,” Boston Globe, November 29, 2019, opinion/disrupting-cow
Garrett M. Broad, “Plant-Based and Cell-Based Animal Product Alternatives: An Assessment and Agenda for Food Tech Justice,” Geoforum 107 (December 2019): 223–26,
Jan Dutkiewicz, “Curb Your Food Tech Enthusiasm,” Wired, March 28, 2023,
Garrett M. Broad, “Making Meat, Better: The Metaphors of Plant-Based and Cell-Based Meat Innovation,” Environmental Communication 14, no. 7 (October 2, 2020): 919–32,
Philip Howard, The Politics of Protein: Examining Claims about Livestock, Fish, ‘Alternative Proteins’ and Sustainability (Brussels: IPES Food, April 2022),
Philip H. Howard, “Op-Ed: Fake Meat Won’t Solve the Climate Crisis,” Civil Eats, April 7, 2022,
Allen Wagner, “The Venture Capital Lifecycle,” PitchBook, May 14, 2014,
Bob Zider, “How Venture Capital Works,” Harvard Business Review, November 1, 1998,
Will Gornall and Ilya A. Strebulaev, “The Economic Impact of Venture Capital: Evidence from Public Companies,” SSRN Electronic Journal, 2015,
Jared Piazza et al., “Rationalizing Meat Consumption. The 4Ns,” Appetite 91 (August 1, 2015): 114–28, appet.2015.04.011.
Steven Molino, “Impact Measurement in Alternative Proteins,” Medium (blog), September 9, 2021, clearcurrentcapital/impact-measurement-in-alternative-proteins-192ebbb5e96b.
Consuelo Varela-Ortega et al., “Life Cycle Assessment of Animal-Based Foods and Plant-Based Protein-Rich Alternatives: A Socio-economic Perspective,” Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 102, no. 12 (September 2022): 5111–20,
FAIRR, “Alternative Proteins Framework: Supporting Companies and Investors on ESG Disclosure,” 2023, alternative-proteins-framework
Priera Panescu et al., 2022 Plant-Based State of the Industry Report: Plant-Based Meat, Seafood, Eggs, and Dairy (Washington, DC: Good Food Institute, 2023),
Xiaoming Xu et al., “Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Animal-Based Foods Are Twice Those of Plant-Based Foods,” Nature Food 2, no. 9 (September 2021): 724–32,
Sergiy Smetana et al., “Meat Alternatives: Life Cycle Assessment of Most Known Meat Substitutes,” International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 20 (2015): 1254–67,
Natalie R. Rubio, Ning Xiang, and David L. Kaplan, “Plant-Based and Cell-Based Approaches to Meat Production,” Nature Communications 11, no. 1 (December 8, 2020): 6276,
Christopher J. Bryant, “Plant-Based Animal Product Alternatives Are Healthier and More Environmentally Sustainable Than Animal Products,” Future Foods 6 (December 1, 2022): 100174,
Eric Johnson, “Recode Decode at TED: Good Food Institute Founder Bruce Friedrich Explains Why Finding Alternatives to Meat Is So Important,” Vox, April 29, 2019,
Ernst & Young LLP, “Global Market Forecast and Competitiveness Study for Canadian Plant-Based Proteins: Summary of Findings” (Protein Industries Canada, September 12, 2023),
Jacob R. Peacock, Price-, Taste-, and Convenience-Competitive Plant-Based Meat Would Not Currently Replace Meat (San Francisco: Rethink Priorities, 2023),
Sophia Murphy, “Op-Ed: We Don’t Need a ‘Moonshot’ for Faux Burgers—We Need To Hold ‘Big Meat’ Accountable,” Civil Eats, May 5, 2021,
Zach Wulderk and Jo Anderson, “Domination And Exploitation: Understanding Industry Costs For Chicken, Egg, And Fish Products In The United States, Brazil, And China,” September 2023,
Brian Deese, Sameera Fazili, and Bharat Ramamurti, “Addressing Concentration in the Meat-Processing Industry to Lower Food Prices for American Families,” White House Briefing Room, September 8, 2021, addressing-concentration-in-the-meat-processing-industry-to-lower-food-prices-for-american-families.
Philip H. Howard et al., “‘Protein’ Industry Convergence and Its Implications for Resilient and Equitable Food Systems,” Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5 (August 16, 2021),
IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Red Meat and Processed Meat, IARC Monographs no. 114 (Lyon: International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2018),
Polly Walker et al., “Public Health Implications of Meat Production and Consumption,” Public Health Nutrition 8, no. 4 (June 2005): 348–56,
Romain Espinosa, Damian Tago, and Nicolas Treich, “Infectious Diseases and Meat Production,” Environmental and Resource Economics 76, no. 4 (August 1, 2020): 1019–44,
Jenny Splitter, “Out of the Jungle: Labor in the Age of Plant-Based Meat,” Breakthrough Institute Journal 17 (July 26, 2022), https://
Mariana Mazzucato, “The Entrepreneurial State,” Soundings 49, no. 49 (November 24, 2011): 131–42, https://doi. org/10.3898/136266211798411183
Mariana Mazzucato, “The Inclusive Entrepreneurial State: Collective Wealth Creation and Distribution,” Institute for Fiscal Studies IFS Deaton Review of Inequalities (March 2022): 1–19.
“Integrated Capital: RSF’s Unique Approach & Toolkit,” RSF Social Finance, 2023, integrated-capital
Don Shaffer, “Integrated Capital for Social Enterprises,” Stanford Social Innovation Review, July 17, 2014, integrated_capital_for_social_enterprises
Simona Vallone and Eric F. Lambin, “Public Policies and Vested Interests Preserve the Animal Farming Status Quo at the Expense of Animal Product Analogs,” One Earth 6, no. 9 (September 15, 2023): 1213–26,